OSFA Legislative Task Force Report
As you should all know, our pension system has been the topic of debate by our state legislature this year. We were successful in preventing unwanted and uneeded changes to our pension system but we were also charged with studying the system and presenting reccomendations to increase the unfunded liability within our system and to ensure it's viability for years to come. Our OSFA Board along with the ORFA (Retirees) the OFCA (Fire Chiefs) and the PFFO, have come up with changes that will do those things. Attached is the report that they will be presenting to the legislature this year. It is very important that we all know what these changes are and why they have been reccomended. Please review the report and contact a member of the OSFA board (Bert Norton is the past President) if you have any questions. Brother Metheney is also serving on the Legislative Committee of the OSFA and can answer questions for you. Remember that only through solidarity will we be able to preserve the Firefighter's Pension System in the manner in which we, firefighters, believe it should be!